5 ways teamSOS will help your school next term and beyond

Posted  6th August 2021
Posted by  SBS Partner
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Sponsored blog from teamSOS

Safeguarding, Ransomware, Staff safety and wellbeing, Covid-19… there’s so much to plan for.

teamSOS will help you manage and respond to any type of incident at your setting – include teamSOS in your strategic plan for September!

We know you’re up to our eyes in planning for September, whether it’s around Covid-19, Safeguarding or Cybersecurity.

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The good news is that there are 5 areas that teamSOS will help your setting next term:

  1. Staff safety
    A simple ‘call for help’ button in the hands of all staff, from everyday incidents (behaviour/disruption) to critical incidents (medical emergencies/violence), teamSOS helps staff feel safer and more supported when dealing with all types of incidents.

  2. Safeguarding
    Staff can quickly report safeguarding concerns to the DSL and SLT, regardless of if they are on or offsite. In-app tasklists ensure all staff follow the right procedure for every type of concern. Evidence is preserved and available to export for upload to your safeguarding system to maintain a holistic view of each child.

  3. Cyberattacks or data breaches
    teamSOS helps with Business Continuity providing an independent system to manage your response, including processes and procedures with our in-app tasklists and securely communicate with all staff using our chat and announcement functionality. 

  4. Covid-19
    Manage your processes around lateral flow testing and isolations, keep all staff up to date on how to report confirmed or suspected cases.

  5. Remote working
    Members of SLT/response staff in isolation or working from home will have live visibility of incidents with the ability to co-ordinate, manage and control the response as an incident unfolds.

teamSOS will help you manage and respond to a safeguarding concern or cyber attack when your setting is closed, book a demo to find out how.