Importing Updated Exams Results

Posted  4th October 2017
Importing updated exams results

At this time of the year you may be getting in some updated results and wondering how to get these into SIMS and Exams Organiser.

To add a new result that was not imported through a result file you will need to use the Edit PI functionality. This will apply for schools in a partnership arrangement where pupils have taken courses and sat exams at a different centre. It will not be possible to import the result file from the other centre, and there is no current functionality within SIMS to export exam results from one school to another via CTF.

To do this follow the steps below:

  1. Go to 'Tools | Examinations | Edit PI'
  2. Find the relevant student.
  3. Click 'Add Result' AddResult
  4. Enter the QAN code and click 'Refresh'. AddQAN Please note: You will need to setup the QAN in Manage Performance Indicator if you have not used it before
  5. Enter the Result
  6. Click 'Save'
You have now entered your new result. Do not forget to Discount if required! If you require any assistance with this process please contact our SIMS Service Desk on 0345 222 1551 • Option 3 or email