Would you like to take part in the new pilot for attendance data?

Posted  18th January 2021

GOV.UK has sent out the following invitation for all state funded schools to take part. (This does not include Nursery Schools.)

Invitation to take part in a pilot to automate the daily collection of attendance data

GOVUK are currently working with a small number of management information system (MIS) suppliers on a pilot to investigate the potantial of automating the flow of attendance data directly from school management information systems to the department of education. The aim of this pilot is to reduce the requirement for manual data submission and reduce the burden on schools. By automating the process, they will be able to collect the following aggregated information for each morning and afternoon session directly from the register:
  • The total number of pupils for each absence and attendance code within each year group.
  • The total number of pupils on roll and registered to the school within each year group.

To provide the data, you will need to:

  • provide consent to authorise your MIS Supplier to send the data on your behalf (your MIS supplier will let you know how and when to do this)
  • Continue to record pupil attendance for each morning and afternoon session as set out in the departments school attendance guidance
The data will be collected during the school day, any subsequent changes for that day will be collected automatically for a period of 8 days without further action from the school.

How will the data be used

The information you provide will be used to support the governments response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This will enable them to focus support more effectively, help inform the governments response and ensure children and young people are safe.

How to get involved

To apply to be part of this pilot, please register at the link below and the GOV.uk will contact you with further information: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yXfS-grGoU2187O4s0qC-V_vd6aALVxMp--6DyhE8ShUMjAzTlU1WUtSMUlQRkdCOU9NN1dZMjBFRi4u&wdLOR=cF14DFE7A-DB53-405B-8503-32B6B133386F
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