School Health and Safety Service
Our expert partners Judicium Education provide a School Health and Safety Service for over 1,700 schools - providing guidance on top priorities such as PPE, social distancing and infection control.
How safe is your school or multi-academy trust for students and staff?
Judicium's Health & Safety Support Service is designed to support schools, firstly, in ensuring a safe working and learning environment, secondly, in complying with the legal requirements imposed on them as employers under the various Health & Safety laws and regulations.

Our School Health and Safety Service includes
Health and Safety Audit
At the outset of our relationship with schools, and annually thereafter, we conduct an in depth audit of the school's management of health & safety, benchmarked against the best practice set out by the HSE. This exercise will assess the scope and effectiveness of current arrangements.
It will also audit compliance with all relevant legislation and associated Codes of Practice. The Audit Report will identify gaps in compliance and set out our recommendations on those improvements necessary to ensure satisfactory health & safety management; it is intended to be a key report to the Headteacher and Governors to enable them to assess how well the vital issue of safety is currently managed and to discharge their management responsibilities.Policy and Procedure
We draft and keep under review policies and procedures, including:
- School/Academy Health & Safety Policy
- Subsidiary Policies such as:
- First Aid and Medicines
- Managing Contractors and Site Safety Rules
- Educational Visits etc
- Fire Management Policy, etc
- Model Department Policy:
- For adaptation and adoption by curriculum area / department
Risk Assessments
We carry out and document on your behalf a number of assessments of the risks in key areas. These will be based both on our own observations and an assessment of current practice and procedures when benchmarked against best practice measures. Our recommendations for improved control of risks in these areas are then set out in an Action Plan for the school.
Fire Safety
We carry out a full Fire Risk Assessment and review this annually or sooner if there are significant changes. We prepare a dedicated Fire Safety Action Plan and provide advice on a wide range of fire safety issues.
Curriculum Risks
Where appropriate, we meet with the Heads of Department of the higher-risk, practical subjects to assess with them how safety is managed in their department and provide advice as necessary. Again current practice will benchmarked against best practice measures and our recommendations for improved control of risks in these areas are set out in an Action Plan.
To find out more about Judicium Education call
0345 548 7000 or visit
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